Top-10 most visited pages Jos de Vries The Retail Company

We would like to share the top-10 of the most visited pages of our Jos de Vries The Retail Company blog. Below you can find the overview based on the more than 31.000 visitors of the "blog".

  1. New concept Mercator Hypermarket (Slovenia)

  2. Retail strategy store development: Visual merchandising

  3. Master class Homebase: focus on decoration and furniture.

  4. Different types of stores, literature retail marketing

  5. Opening new supermarket Aquie; one of the most innovative retail concepts

  6. Jos de Vries The Retail Company develops innovative new fashion store: Venca (Barcelona)

  7. Jos de Vries The Retail Company develops supermarket of the new generation in Galicia (Spain): Aquí é

  8. The new store formula: The concept phase, the actual design phase

  9. Capabro moving towards fresh products - Jos de Vries The Retail Company-case

  10. Globus Ludwigshafen, chosen as Germany’s Best beverages dealer for 2008

We thank you all for visiting our website and hope to welcome you again soon.

Please contact us for further questions on our company or our projects.

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